The MCR hosts a wide range of events. Most of which are completely free for all MCR members to attend! Check out the term card to find out what’s going on this week.
Social Events
The MCR runs loads of social events, both in term time and in the vacations for those who stick around outside of term time. There are beer & pizza nights, wine & cheese nights, film nights, board games nights, cocktail nights, pub trips etc. Most events are free to attend for MCR members as well!
In addition to the usual social events, there are various dinners that college members can attend throughout the term. There is a weekly formal hall and other special formals such as Exchange Dinners (where we swap formals with other graduates at another college) and Guest Nights.

Welfare Events
We all need to unwind sometimes, so the MCR runs plenty of chilled welfare events. Welfare tea & cake as well as welfare lunches/brunches throughout the term.
In term time there is a weekly free lunch which MCR members can sign up for in the SCR (Senior Common Room). This is a chance to meet some of the members of the SCR and discuss life in and out of academia.
MCR-SCR Seminars
Four times a term members of the MCR give lunchtime talks (accompanied by a free lunch) about their work. These are a great opportunity for graduate students to share their work with the college with a friendly and interested audience, whilst eating free food. The MCR also organises a termly evening “Lightning Talks” event for MCR members to give quick talks about what they do.